Kimfook Jewelry Boost Sales through Chat Commerce and WhatsApp Marketing

Kimfook Jewelry Menggunakan SleekFlow untuk Chat Commerce

Kimfook Jewelry is a European natural gold and diamond jewelry retailer that operates both online and offline. This brand guarantees 75% gold purity standards with their SNI certification.

Kimfook Jewelry also offers nickel-free jewelry, which ensures that the jewelry is safe from dangerous chemicals that might cause allergies.

Besides delivering high-quality jewelry, Kimfook offers a personalized approach through consultation experience that caters to its customers' needs and desires.

As a high-end product, the consultation process is crucial to Kimfook's buying and selling process—from selection, customization to purchasing, everything needs to be done through personal consultation with the staff.

With this approach, Kimfook sought a solution for their chat commerce needs. See how they optimized their chat commerce and WhatsApp marketing strategies below.

Challenges Faced by Kimfook Jewelry

Kimfook recognizes the importance of the consultation process and a more personal approach via WhatsApp, as well as the function of WhatsApp marketing. However, in order to perfect this entire process, Kimfook initially encountered operational challenges, particularly in terms of CS, such as

1. Only 1 staff handles the numerous incoming chats from customers

Before utilizing an omnichannel chat commerce like SleekFlow—Kimfook had to manually handle the numerous incoming chats from their customers with only one staff member who handled chats from various channels, including WhatsApp as the main channel for direct communication with customers. This condition was deemed less optimal due to the significant gap in the ratio of chats received and the staff available to handle them. 

In addition, the basic WhatsApp Business does not enable the transparency of each incoming chat, making it difficult for the business to monitor chats and obtain specific context from ongoing discussions or consultations.

2. Basic WhatsApp Business does not answer the need to advise customers

As the business grows, basic WhatsApp Business becomes less suitable for facilitating the high volume of incoming customer chats, and it does not support Kimfook’s WhatsApp marketing strategy. Limitations such as the quantity of users, the absence of automation that enables CS to reply quickly, the inability to route chats to specialist staff, and so on limit Kimfook’s ability to run WhatsApp marketing.

The two issues above are the primary reasons why Kimfook needs a chat commerce and WhatsApp marketing strategy. How Kimfook managed to answer it by using SleekFlow is explained below.

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Connect to WhatsApp Business API and get the first 1,000 service conversations free each month.

How does SleekFlow answer Kimfook’s needs?

To answer the needs of inboxes and incoming chats, Kimfook realized the need for an omnichannel chat commerce platform such as SleekFlow.

With features such as a comprehensive inbox to maximize team collaboration, CRM to store detailed contact profiles, and WhatsApp Business API, which allows SleekFlow to communicate with hundreds to thousands of contacts, Kimfook has already found a complete solution for their chat selling and buying needs. 

With a number of SleekFlow features they use, Kimfook has successfully adopted a better approach to serve customers and increase sales. Here is how they addressed their business needs:

Chat Commerce for more optimal services

1. Automation for incoming chats

Kimfook WhatsApp Concierge

Kimfook creates automation for every chat received on WhatsApp to ensure that all customers get FAQ information on Kimfook’s operational. Besides chat automation, Kimfook ensures that the chat will be replied to by their Sales staff.

2. Chat routing to staff & full control of the inbox

WhatsApp for customer service routing

Incoming chat routing is crucial for Kimfook. Kimfook currently has 4 staff members who can see all inboxes or incoming chats in 1 SleekFlow dashboard. Each incoming chat is also supervised by one SPV who monitors every conversation or consultation that happens.

Chat routing is also important when Kimfook is running an offline event; chat routing allows Kimfook to obtain context about the profile of customers who are about to attend and who asks directly during the offline event, making it easier for them to create segmentation or labeling of customers attending the event.

Incoming chat routing is crucial for Kimfook. Kimfook currently has 4 staff members who can see all inboxes or incoming chats in 1 SleekFlow dashboard. Each incoming chat is also supervised by one SPV who monitors every conversation or consultation that happens.

Chat routing is also important when Kimfook is running an offline event; chat routing allows Kimfook to obtain context about the profile of customers who are about to attend and who asks directly during the offline event, making it easier for them to create segmentation or labeling of customers attending the event.

3. Direct checkout to WhatsApp

Kimfook checkout lewat WhatsApp

With a ‘WhatsApp-centric’ business model, Kimfook prioritizes the consultation process with its customers, not only handling transactions from social media, but their website also prioritizes transactions via chat. 

Optimizing WhatsApp Marketing

1. Broadcast chat to support promo

WhatsApp Broadcast SleekFlow

Once the need for in-chat transactions is addressed, Kimfook also optimizes their marketing campaign by leveraging WhatsApp broadcast. WhatsApp broadcasts can be done using basic WhatsApp Business, but the number of recipients is limited to 200 contacts, not to mention there is a possibility that their WhatsApp account can be blocked.

Broadcast messages are also utilized by Kimfook to connect with their customers. They usually send broadcast messages when there are certain promos or offline events.

2. CTWA (Click to WhatsApp ads) for every running promo

Kimfook CTWA

CTWA or Click to WhatsApp ads are also Kimfook’s reliable approach to increase their sales. Kimfook usually advertises their products regularly, and each incoming chats will be routed to their staff, allowing customers to receive timely responses when consulting.

Those are 2 ways for Kimfook to optimize their operational and sales, but what are the most tangible results that Kimfook experiences immediately?

Integrate all messaging channels into one platform

Forget about the old-school way to chat. Team up with colleagues to boost productivity instantly.

What actual results has Kimfook achieved with SleekFlow?

Customer chats are easier to control and monitor

The most significant and crucial thing for Kimfook and its operations are chats that can be monitored and delegated to their Sales staff. As a business that prioritizes consultation, chat is the major aspect that they need to monitor in terms of efficiency (response time). Chat transparency is also crucial, allowing the SPV to get detailed information about the running consultations and transactions. 

About Kimfook Jewelry

Kimfook is a European natural gold and diamond jewelry retailer that operates both online and offline. 

Kimfook also produces jewelry, from gold melting to finished jewelry, and has acquired SNI certification, ensuring that its gold content is 75% pure.

Visit Kimfook | Kimfook Instagram

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