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Lead Generation Hack: Facebook Lead Ads

Lead Generation Hack- Facebook Lead Ads

Back in 2009, Burger King ran a brilliant ad stunt titled the “Whopper Sacrifice“. It was simple, delete 10 Facebook friends using the “Whopper Sacrifice” application and a free Whopper! The campaign was a huge success. Not only did it generate tons of leads for Burger King, it also ended almost 234,000 Facebook friendships. So how does lead generation look like in 2022? The bad news is, you can’t trade friends for burgers. But the good news is, getting leads is a lot simpler. Here’s our secret lead generation hack, Facebook Lead Ad!


Still using forms for lead generation?

To a business, customer contact information is a valuable resource. It helps you:

  • Better understand the demographics of your customer base

  • Aids you in identifying your target audience

  • Allows you to retarget and even reach out to new customers

But, no one loves filling in forms – especially not on mobile! However, your customers will most probably be typing in their details on their phones.

Why? Because the majority of website traffic now comes from mobile. And to make things harder, an average person receives around 63 notifications a day. Thus, getting to the end of the form might be a challenge.

So, filling in a form is definitely not difficult, but it’s boring, time-consuming and seemingly never-ending.

As such, regardless of how useful your product is, or how much your potential customer needs it, they’ll probably tell themselves “I’ll do it later”.

And that, my friends, is the greatest lie anyone’s ever told.

Thus, this is why we’re introducing our lead generation hack Facebook Lead Ad! It is a useful lead capture tool that changes the way your potential customer interacts with your brand and submits contact information.

The problem with traditional forms

Traditionally, potential customers land on your webpage and then proceed to scroll around. If they like your product enough, they click on your form and are ready to fill in their contact information.

Now, here’s where things can – and usually – go wrong:

  1. The form takes forever to load

  2. Too many questions

  3. The effort required to fill in the form in simply too high

You might think a few seconds of extra load time would not make a difference. However, according to Google, most sites lose more than half their visitors while loading. Furthermore, a seemingly unimportant one-second delay can lead to 11% fewer page views, a 16% decrease in customer satisfaction and a 7% loss in conversions.

Following, businesses tend to have the “it’s better to be safe than sorry” mindset and want to get as much customer information as possible.

This leads to long forms that immediately turn potential customers away.

Why Facebook Lead Ads?

Facebook Lead Ads fixes the problems faced with traditional forms!

Firstly, the form loads within Facebook itself. As a result, this drastically reduces redirects and webpage loading times as the customer does not need to leave Facebook to fill in the form.

Secondly, as Facebook already has the customer’s basic information, the fields are automatically populated with the user’s profile information. Thus, all your potential customer needs to do is to submit the form! 


When should you use Facebook Lead Ads?

If your website

  • Is not secure

  • Has long loading times

  • Or the product is relatively new and/or unfamiliar

  • Does not have a shopping cart or checkout function

  • Sells high-value products

Additionally, you can also experiment with Facebook Lead Ads if your website has high click-through but low conversion rates or if you want to increase your list of customer contacts. Our lead generation hack Facebook Lead Ad worked really well for us on this!

Want to explore other ads? Check out this ultimate Instagram advertising strategy guide to learn how to do better with Instagram Ads!

Read more: Avoid these 5 mistakes and succeed at Facebook Marketing!

Facebook Lead Ads Hacks

Just remember, K.I.S.S FOMO Goodbye!

K.I.S.S – Keep it simple, silly

Every extra input field gives your potential lead more reason to not submit. Let’s be frank, you probably only need their email address.

Having fewer input fields drastically reduces the effort required on the customer’s end significantly increases form submission rates.

This is especially true if your form falls in the “Do later”, “Delegate, or “Eliminate” (yikes!) category of the Eisenhower matrix.

Eisenhower matrix

FOMO – Fear of missing out

Give your potential leads a compelling reason to submit the form immediately. 

The goal is to shift your form from the “Eliminate” category to the “Do first” category.

According to Fogg’s Behaviour Model, Behaviour (B) is the product of Motivation (M), Ability (A) and Triggers (T).

The sweeter you hit that balance between high motivation and ease-to-do, the better your chances of getting the action you want.

 Fogg’s Behaviour Model

For example, adding a deadline for discounts, additional perks or even an exclusive access pass may just do the trick!

Goodbye – Make sure you have them at “Goodbye”

Rule Number 1: Follow up and take action as soon as you can.

Rule Number 2: Never forget Rule Number 1

The traditional way to follow up would be to first export the list of leads who filled in the Lead Ad form from Facebook. Then, reach out to them using the contact details provided. Sounds troublesome? That’s not all.

In addition, there is a delicate balance to strike regarding follow up timings. 

Send a message right after the potential lead submits the form? It’ll seem automated and lacks a personal touch.

Send a message a couple of days after the potential lead submits the form? Your potential leads aren’t going to remember what they signed up for. Or worse still, you completely forget to follow up!

Facebook Lead Ad Tool

To ensure that not a single lead is forgotten, it would be best to use a Facebook Lead Ad tool to streamline your entire Facebook Lead Ad strategy.

One such tool would be SleekFlow!

Firstly, all your potential leads who have filled in the Lead Ad form on Facebook will be automatically added to your contacts on SleekFlow. Save time required to export the list of leads from Facebook and import them again into your CRM.

SleekFlow CRM

Next, the powerful automation feature allows you to:

  • Personalise the message using variables such as first and last name

  • Send pictures and files to remind potential leads of what they signed up for

  • Choose the wait-time between the submission of the form and the sending of the message

  • Select a messaging channel to send the message through

  • Assign a teammate to personally follow up with responses

SleekFlow automation feature

Lastly, manage all the conversations with a sleek team inbox! Snooze chats to reply them later or close chats to focus on the ones that matter!

Conversation management

Ready to use this lead generation hack Facebook Lead Ad? Start your SleekFlow journey for free here!

Wanna know how to integrate all of your business information and Facebook marketing activity in one place? Read further to become a Facebook Business Manager guru!

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