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SleekFlow 是一个由 AI 驱动的全渠道通讯云端平台,让你能够透过社交和通讯应用程式如 WhatsApp、Facebook 和 Instagram、短讯、即时聊天等,提供完整的个性化顾客旅程。 SleekFlow 致力于塑造未来的通信方式,让企业能够将所有工作流程集中在有意义的对话上。

我们利用尖端 AI 智能对话技术,简化销售、顾客支援和市场推广的工作流程。通过以客为本的商业解决方案,自动化日常工作、简化客户来往及提供优质客户支援,驱动业务增长。

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Gobi Partners
Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund
500 startups
Google Partner
Transcend Capital Partners
tiger global


超过 5000 位商家,包括跨国企业、上市公司、教育机构、政府机构等,已经率先使用 SleekFlow 简化即时通讯平台上的销售、营销和客户支持工作流程。我们每月协助处理超过 5700 万则信息。

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SleekFlow 在新加坡、香港、马来西亚、印尼、巴西,阿联酋均有办公室。我们诚邀各领域的优秀专才加入我们,共同实现我们的宏大愿景。


SleekFlow 创办人 Henson 于 2016 年在伦敦帝国理工学院完成了统计学和电脑科学学位。

在创办SleekFlow 前,他曾于银行及谘询部门工作。SleekFlow 起初成立时只有 2 名软件工程师,在采访了 500 多名潜在用户后,SleekFlow Beta 进行了不断改进,并于 2019 年 11 月正式推出。 Henson的杰出贡献使他入选了2023年福布斯企业科技类别的亚洲30位30岁以下精英榜。


Polaris lights the way, but steady steps carry you through
Henson Tsai

Henson Tsai

Continuously driving innovation through speed, precision, and continuous evolution.
Gao Lei

Gao Lei

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
Eric Mui

Eric Mui

ASEAN is not just a market, it's a community. Let's work together to create a brighter future for everyone.
Asnawi Jufrie

Asnawi Jufrie

There's no such thing as a perfect product, but if we keep building, learning, and iterating, we can always strive for better. That's way more exciting!
Adrian So

Adrian So

Success is built on the best vision, the timeliest execution, and a team with aligned priorities.
Xenia Chu

Xenia Chu

Be part of something bigger. Every step counts.
Joy Liu

Joy Liu

Customer success is like being a detective, therapist, and magician all in one. You need to identify, comfort, and solve the issue.
Heidi Leung

Heidi Leung

Success and lasting impact demand strategy, discipline, and teamwork.
Ray Ma

Ray Ma

Be bold in your dreams, plan carefully, act quickly, and never give up on challenges; This is the recipe for engineering success.
Peter Leung

Peter Leung

At Sleekflow, We Turn Possibility into Reality by Walking the Walk Every Step of the Way.
Leo Choi

Leo Choi

Innovation emerges when we dare to reimagine the impossible and transform visions into realities.
Aaron Lai

Aaron Lai

I love exploring uncharted territory - whether it's in my work or my travels. Let's see what's possible!
Lewis Law

Lewis Law

It's not about the idea, it's about turning ideas into a product that customers love.
Billy Chu

Billy Chu

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Management Team


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